Mrs Taylor,the chorus teacher, helps her class warm up for sight reading. When the kids sing a song they have never seen before by looking at the music. Mrs Taylor holds up the hand sign for “Do” which is a chorus technique called solfege, that helps students find the pitch. Mrs. Taylor works to lead the class to perform their best.

Article: Teacher Spotlight Mrs. Natalie Taylor

For a long time, Mrs. Natalie Taylor has been the heartbeat of the high school chorus, leading her students with the same passion and dedication that fills every note they sing. Mrs. Taylor has made it her mission to bring out the best in each and every student who steps into her classroom. But it's not just about the music. It's about building confidence, creating a sense of community, and inspiring students to reach for something greater than they ever thought possible. “I love making connections that last a lifetime and being able to connect through music,” said Mrs Taylor.

Mrs Taylor starts her day by figuring out what she wants to accomplish, and making her plans based off of that. Mrs Taylor balances teaching the new music, and music theory, but also provides encouragement and help students grow as people. Some people can be really shy, and don't think they have a natural talent and Mrs Taylor said that she helps encourage people by “finding things they're doing well and making a big deal about it”. While helping people grow and become the best singers that they can be, she connects with her students in a way you can’t do when teaching other subjects. “I love making connections that last a lifetime and being able to connect through music, that's the best part of my job” said Mrs Taylor.

Mrs Taylor became a chorus teacher because she herself felt the special musical connections with her own teacher back in middle and high school. “ I thought it was really cool that my chorus teacher never had to leave the chorus room, so when I found out that was a career choice I decided that's what I wanted to do. The chorus room was my safe space,” said Mrs Taylor. Mrs Taylor has made it her mission as a chorus teacher to create new musicians, make these special bonds through music, and create a safe space available for anyone in the chorus room